Child sleeps while parent sits aside them with a book in their lap.

Five tips to promote better sleep

Most kids are back to school now, and many of us parents are still trying to get everyone back into the swing of things! After a fun summer, sleep schedules and routines may have fallen off a bit. We know sleep is essential for overall well-being and mental health, but it can be hard to know how to get our kids and ourselves back on track. Have no fear. Here are five tips to promote better sleep to help the whole family thrive this school year! Keep in mind these tips apply to parents’ sleep too!

Timing is everything!

  • Set a consistent sleep and wake time.
  • Having a consistent wake and bedtime helps regulate circadian rhythms and promote better sleep.
  • Circadian rhythms are 24-hour cycles that are part of the body’s internal clock to carry out essential functions including sleep and wakeful periods.
  • Aim for around the same bedtime every night and get up around the same time every day +/- 20-minutes.
  • Yes, this means avoiding letting kids stay up super late and sleep late on the weekends! But you can allow a little wiggle room for the occasional weekend, vacations, or special events. 
  • The point is not to feel stressed or guilty when things fall off the schedule but to aim for consistency whenever possible, so it becomes second nature.
  • Read here for more info on how much sleep your child needs based on age. 

Fill up their cup! 

  • A big part of promoting quality sleep is getting enough daylight, activity, and good nutrition during the day!
  • There is evidence that exposure to daylight, especially before 10 am helps regulate circadian rhythm and promote better sleep. 
  • Better sleep is just one of the many reasons to ensure your kids get at least 60 minutes of active play daily! 
  • Good nutrition helps regulate blood sugar, avoid energy crashes during the day, and fills up those tummies so they can be comfy and content for sleep. Offer three meals and two snacks daily that include some protein and healthy fats in addition to fruits and veggies. 
  • If bedtime is more than 2 hours after dinner, then you may want to offer a healthy bedtime snack that includes a complex carbohydrate and protein as part of your routine—for example, whole wheat crackers and peanut butter. 

Develop a bedtime routine!

  • Bedtime routines help prime us for sleep and wind down after a busy day.
  • If having a bedtime routine sounds daunting, don’t stress. You do not have to have an elaborate ritual for this to work!
  • A few simple activities that happen every night in roughly the same order are all it takes. 
  • For example, after dinner, kids play quietly for 30 minutes, then take a bath, change into PJs, brush their teeth, read books, sing a bedtime song, and put to sleep. 
  • Did you know that there is science behind the bath part of the bedtime routine? Studies show passive warming from a shower or bath before bed promotes better sleep quality and efficiency! 

Set the scene!

  • Help create a welcoming sleep environment to optimize sleep. 
  • The key factors are darkness, temperature, and limiting ambient noise.
  • Light is one of the main factors affecting circadian sleep rhythms! 
  • A darker room promotes better sleep, so consider blackout curtains if your child has windows that let in excess light.
  • Ideal temperatures for sleep are between 68 and 72 degrees. You should also adjust PJ choices, so kids aren’t too chilly or overheating.
  • White noise, soothing music, or nature sounds can be a great way to relax and drown out ambient sounds for sleep.
  • Research studies have also shown soothing scents like lavender or chamomile to help promote sleep. 

Avoid screen time before bed!

  •  The light from screens and stimulation from shows or games can interfere with, you guessed it, circadian rhythms and make it hard to wind down for sleep. 
  • A good family rule is no screens 60 minutes before bed. For teens and adults to leave phones outside their bedrooms and use an old fashioned alarm clock as an alarm instead. 

Hope these tips help the whole family get some more zzzs! If you have concerns about your child’s sleep or possible sleep disorders, talk to your healthcare provider. Check out these resources for more info! 

Sleep Foundation – Light and sleep – Healthy sleep habits

American Sleep Association – Get Better Sleep – Sleep tips for mental health

two children on the beach put sunscreen on eachother's faces

What is the best sunscreen for kids?

What is the best sunscreen for kids? Whatever you have handy! Any sunscreen in addition to other sun protective measures is better than none. Not only are sunburns uncomfortable, but exposure to UV rays also increases our risk of skin cancers and expedites signs of aging. For young ones, this is particularly important. They are outside more and rely on grownups to cover and protect them adequately. They also have thinner, more sensitive skin, and sun damage is cumulative! Although we are discussing sun safety for kids, these tips apply to all of us! It is never too late to start implementing adequate sun protection. Read on for more specific tips about the safest and most effective sun protection!

Sun Protection for Babies:

You may have heard that you can’t use sunscreen in babies under six months, but that is not true! Read on for how best sun protection for your littlest humans.

  • Babies under six months should be kept out of direct sunlight as much as possible. 
  • This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take them outside, but it does mean keeping them covered and protecting them with shade as much as you can. 
  • Limit time in the sun during peak hours, between 10 am and 2 pm.
  • If shade isn’t available, you can use shade tents, umbrellas at the beach and park, and lightweight sun covers over strollers or carriers. 
  • Cover as much of their skin as possible with lightweight, long-sleeved shirts, pants, and sun hats. 
  • If there are small areas exposed like hands, feet, and face, it is ok and recommended to use sunscreen in these areas.

What is the best sunscreen for babies?

We recommend physical sunscreens using mineral-based ingredients like zinc oxide or titanium dioxide as the best sunscreen options for babies. This is because there is less risk of skin irritation, and the ingredients are generally safer and better for the environment.

Sun Protection for Kids:

The best sun protection for kids includes a combination of sunscreen and barriers!

  • Over six months, apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen to any exposed skin areas. 
  • Apply everywhere generously! 
  • It is also best to use 15-30 minutes before sun exposure so it has time to dry.
  • Reapply every 2 hours or after swimming, sweating, or wiping with a towel.
  • The tips above about shade and protective clothing for babies also apply to older kids and their grownups!
  • Apply sunscreen whenever you and your kiddo go outside, even on cloudy or rainy days!

What are Physical versus Chemical sunscreens?

  • Chemical Sunscreens work like a sponge and absorb UV rays.
  • Physical Sunscreens work like a shield deflecting damaging UV rays away from your skin. These are also called mineral sunscreens. 

What to look for in a sunscreen

The best sunscreens have the following characteristics:

  • Broad-spectrum.
  • SPF 30 or higher.
  • Paraben and phthalate free
  • Environmentally friendly (no Oxybenzone)
  • We prefer mineral sunscreens (Zinc Oxide and Titanium Dioxide) due to less risk of skin irritation, a better safety profile, and they tend to be more environmentally friendly. 
  • Still, ANY sunscreen, including chemical sunscreen, is safe and better than none!

What is the best sunscreen for sensitive skin?

Just like for babies, physical (mineral) sunscreens are your best bet for those with sensitive skin. Also, look for fragrance-free, hypoallergenic, phthalate, and paraben-free. Of course, you may also opt for sunscreens marketed for sensitive skin, but check the label to make sure!

Can sunscreen make you Vitamin D deficient?

Vitamin D is a nutrient that helps keep our bones strong and healthy and may play a role in muscle and immune function. When your skin is exposed to sunlight, your body produces Vitamin D. Some people are under the impression that you shouldn’t wear sunscreen all the time to get enough vitamin D. However, this is not true! You can still maintain your Vitamin D levels without putting yourself at risk for skin cancers!

  • There is no link between daily sunscreen use and Vitamin D deficiency.
  • It doesn’t take much sun exposure for your body to produce Vitamin D! 
  • No sunscreen is perfect, and we usually don’t apply it perfectly, allowing enough UV exposure to produce Vitamin D. 
  • You can consider putting sunscreen on after a brief period outside, 10-15 minutes, to allow for some direct sun exposure for vitamin D production while avoiding prolonged risk.
  • The risks of skin cancer from sun exposure far outweigh any risk of daily sunscreen use and potential vitamin D deficiency.
  • You can also get vitamin D in your diet! Foods containing vitamin D include fatty fish, egg yolks, fortified milk, and OJ. 
  • You can also take a supplement with vitamin D, but check with your physician for your correct dose! 

Are Sunscreens Safe?

Yes, consistent sunscreen use is safe and recommended!

  • The safety of certain sunscreen ingredients is a hot topic currently, but don’t let misinformation scare you out of using it!
  • The FDA is advocating for more safety data on several chemical sunscreen ingredients to determine how much they are absorbed into the skin and whether or not it is harmful if they do.
  • However, their recommendation is NOT to STOP using these sunscreens. 
  • The FDA has reported enough data on two sunscreen ingredients to consider them “generally safe and effective;” Zinc Oxide and Titanium Dioxide (aka. Mineral sunscreens.)
  • Some ingredients in chemical sunscreens are harmful to the environment, particularly the coral reefs, namely Oxybenzone.


  • Sun protection is super important for little ones and ourselves!
  • It is best to use a combination of physical barriers like shade, clothing, and hats in addition to sunscreen.
  • For babies under six months, focus on avoiding prolonged exposure to direct sunlight by keeping them in the shade or covered as much as possible. Use a mineral sunscreen on areas that are not covered. 
  • For the rest of us, in addition to physical barriers, liberally apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher! And don’t forget to reapply!